Friday, January 30, 2015

Bonne Bell Closing in Westlake Ohio

What a sad day for all the girls in America who grew up with the popular Lip Smacker in there pocket. Lip Smacker the popular item produced by the  Bonne Bell company started in 1927 in Westlake Ohio. Jesse Bell founder of the Bonne Bell company naming it after is daughter. The Bonne Bell company announced today that it would be closing in March leaving 91 employee job less.  The family-owned Bonne Bell targeted young aged girls, with 72 flavors of lip Smackers its hard not to find one you like.

In honor of Lip Smackers announcement today my sweet husband bought me a Lip Smacker Lip Gloss. I have to admit it taste just like it did as a kid. My heart breaks a little, but just like anything in this short life, All good things must come to an end.

Please take some time and enjoy the Bonne Bell and Lip Smacker website. Explore the many wonderful flavored creations for the little time we still have left with them.

Sunshine Girl in Red 

Why I struggle with the Super Bowl and Football in General.

The most watched football game is right around the corner. Last years match up between the Seahawks and Broncos was seen by 111.5 million people, but I was not one of the 111.5 million people watching. 

The super bowl for some may just be the two best football teams going at it for a title, but for many it is another night of horror, another night of random men and women taking advantage of them. Paying for them to perform a service. 

The traffic that is brought to the Super Bowl cities is enough to cover the pimps looking to boost their sales. The pimps and victims can go unnoticed making the super bowl the largest sex trafficking hot spot in the United State.

According to Forbes, 10,000 prostitutes were brought to Miami for the Super Bowl in 2010. Lets me make it clear, prostitution of minors is considered trafficking under federal law. 

Do I even need to explain what my struggle is? Each football season leading up to a Super Bowl is just a reminder for me. I fear for the poor innocent girls and boys who will never be the same. 

Sure I enjoy the Super Bowl commercial, but to sit through and watch a game, when I know that there are other things going on.  I can't, I don't get into it. My anxiety spikes, my heart gets heavy. 

It was just today when I realized while reading about the task forces they have prepared for this years super bowl why I don't like football in general. It is because my little eyes cannot look past and process in my brain football without remembering what happens at the end of the each season. 

So this year as you sit with friends, family, and co-workers watching this years Super Bowl match please take time to pray that lives will be rescued, and that hearts will be changed.

Sunshine Girl in Red

**Please don't be upset with my own personal problems with Football, I am not in anyway saying that People who enjoy and look forward to the Super Bowl is a horrible person, because that is not possible-Every one is different! So for those who enjoy football, May the best team win. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Making due with what you have in the tiny pantry.

With my Husband on frequent work trips, I have come to realize that if I lived with just Daisy that we- we referring to Daisy and I- we would not be on the best well rounded diet.

Husband and I have been trying hard to take processed foods out of our diet and trying our hardest to eat more fruits and vegetables leaving our tiny pantry a little bare if you know what I mean, and if you don't let me explain. NO CHOCOLATE CHIPS and CURRENTLY NO PEANUT BUTTER.

I know you all are thinking that we have gone crazy, but let me assure you we will not be chocolate or peanut butter less for much longer. You can sleep tonight knowing that I have placed that on my next shopping list.

I cannot blame the pantry being bare on just the whole "eating better" it is also because I am not one to go grocery shopping for just myself. If husband is going to be gone for a few days I like to just make due with what we have in the pantry, and with this work trip landing right after a weekend in Northeast Ohio visiting with family and friends we have not made a trip to the grocery store in over a week.

so Daisy and I would like to share with you the good and bad of our meals the past two days.

Day one: Monday January 26

Breakfast: Tim Horton's right before husband left for his work trip- GOOD!
Lunch: Soup- GOOD!

okay so far you are thinking not so bad. Right?

Dinner: Rachel and Daisy's Pea and Tuna Mushroom Soup-GOOD/BAD

Rachel and Daisy's Pea and Tuna Mushroom Soup Recipes:

Place frozen peas into soup pan, Turn oven on medium- this part is tricky because my stoves only setting is high. Next you add a can of cream of mushroom soup and a can of tuna. Stir until hot. Once hot, Dish into soup bowl and top with sour cream and hot sauce.

Let's just say that one bowl was all I needed of that soup.

Day two: Tuesday January 27

Breakfast: Cereal with coconut milk-GOOD!

Lunch: Frozen broccoli and carrots with mustard-GOOD!

Snack: Cottage cheese-GOOD!

Dinner: Frozen broccoli with mustard again-GOOD!

Desert: Brownie in a Mug-BAD!

The Brownie in a mug was because of a chocolate craving. I was able to find a really easy recipe thanks to a Google search. IT WAS HORRIBLE!

Overall I would say it was successful. Daisy enjoyed the left over soup and broccoli. I have one more day of random eating. Husband comes home tonight which means a trip to the grocery store is in my future.

If you learned anything from today's blog post I hope that it was to stay away from those brownies in a mug, and that you should always have peanut butter in your pantry.

Sunshine Girl in Red

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

All Is Well!

All is well. Just not as planned. As you can see this is not a USA blog post that I had promised at the beginning of the year, but it is a Blog Post!

I hope you all will forgive me for my absence. You see I have been playing with different blog ideas in my head- But today I just needed someone, something to write too about what life has been like the past couple weeks.

As some of you may already know, I started a new job in December, and some of you also know that I struggled when I first started. Not quite sure what I had got myself into. It is not that I don't like my co-workers, or my actually duties at the job, but it is different. I spent the first month and actually all of January praying and thinking. Saying "God I really like this Job, I like who I work with, I like that I  have new responsibilities, I like my schedule",  but I was still struggling with not understanding how I was suppose to fit in with a different patient culture and different patient personalities in a  office that is trying to be built, but only being built with certain and somewhat strict regulation.  Making me want what I used to have at my old office. A primary care that was busy, crazy, overwhelming, and physical draining, but Something happened yesterday.

Yesterday was a typical Monday at work. I went in with only one patient on the schedule. Thankfully with a couple walk-ins, and a sick visit, we had a scheduled of four patients. I was excited, you need to understand that for a practice that is limited to a smaller patient base, and is in the progress of being built and expanded, having four patients on your scheduled is very good.

It was one patient in particular yesterday that as I drove home, and spent the night replaying the office visit and conversation back in my head trying to process the thoughts and feelings I had that I realized. I may be at a small practice, but yesterday after weeks of asking God to show me what my purpose was in this office, He showed me. He had me realize that I did not always have to be in a fast passed, overwhelming office to see people who need help and Jesus in their life. I have chosen not go into exact detail but my heart was broke yesterday. It broke for the patient, and her family.

It was like God was saying to me Darling, I know you are so worried about not being in an office like what you were used to in Akron, but don't you see? My children are everywhere and they are lost and hurting. I may not have been able to save my patient and her family like I wished I could, but I am forever changed. I was reminded that I am at my office for a reason, and that sometimes prayer is all I can do when it comes to patient care. 

I am so thankful for my Father in heaven, the ultimate Physician. I am thankful that I can go to him in prayer understanding that He is the One who heals in this sick and broken world.

Saving the world one prayer at a time,

Sunshine Girl in Red. 

Friday, January 23, 2015


Dear Readers, 

Sunshine girl in Red is currently down for the moment. We are unable to measure  when we will be back and blogging, But will keep every one updated. Thank you for your understanding. 

Director of Sunshine Girl in Red. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Made in the USA Tuesday- Fiesta!

Welcome Tuesday readers, I am so excited for today's post. For those who are just tuning in this is the start of my New years resolution. Today I will be featuring a product made in the USA.

The featured product on today's blog is one of my families all time favorite.

Drum Roll Please......

Fiesta- America's favorite, and most colorful dinnerware, introduced by the Homer Laughlin China Company.

If you are not familiar with Fiesta maybe you are familiar with Homer Laughlin China Company, an America made china started by two brothers names Homer and Shakespeare Laughlin form East Liverpool Ohio. The brothers started selling pottery ware in 1871. This America made china and dinner ware has been used through out america's history, Serving as china for all armed formed of our military, gracing the dinner tables at our nation capital for presidents and politicians to eat form, and Fiesta in the average Americas everyday home. Home Laughlin factory is now located just across the Ohio river, with a still working factory, you are able to visit, tour, and do some shopping at there fiesta outlet located right at the factory, for those who are in driving range it is a great day getaway. (with also some local antique stores close by)

I am so blessed to live in driving range of the Factory, and have got the opportunity to visit and shop there seconds at there outlet. Also Fiesta was the first item Husband and I registered for on our Wedding registry, below is a picture of my little collect of husband and I Fiesta.

** Note the Items that are located by the pink casserole dish are not fiesta ware**

 Can I also just mention the Fiesta is also oven and microwave safe! They are great and nearly destructible. As you can see I got Fiesta of all colors, I was overwhelmed with the thought of just having to pick one, so I just picked them all. Fiesta is the number one dinner ware table collector, with colors coming and going, you are almost always wanting a new piece to go with your set. If you are in need of some new dinner ware check them out

Check out there website, they have a color for every one, or maybe if you are into finer dining, just out the Homer Laughlin China for some higher end dinner ware.  Fiesta is not just sold through Homer Laughlins China Company. Fiesta is available at retail stores through out america, Most commons is Kohl s, Macy and Dillard.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Still Basking in the Glow of the Holiday Cheer

Happy Saturday,

How is everyone's New Years going? and how is your New years resolution going?? I am so excited to share with you Husband and I most recent shopping trip! Before I share about our New Years Resolution and how it is going here (that's right! I'll be sharing here this blog) on Tuesday,  I thought I would post some pictures from Christmas.

My sister was Dog sitting, so we had three dogs at Moms house on Christmas morning.

Saving the best for last....

Grandma Mollie opening her Christmas Present on Christmas morning...

Grandma is going to Tribe Fest 2015! 

Grams is a die hard Cleveland Indians fan, Well Honestly, I think she has a thing for the Detroit tigers but we won't tell anyone. 

Well Tune back in on Tuesday for my update on how my New Years resolution is going, and for my Featured Made in the USA item!