Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sex Education Starting in Kindergarten.

In February 2013 people were shocked when Chicago passed that Sex education classes would start in Kindergarten. While most U.S. public schools start sex education in fifth or sixth grade, sex education will be introduced and taught to children starting in kindergartner within the next two years as part of Chicago public schools sexual health program.

The new policy, which the Board of Education passed, mandates a set amount of time be spent on sex education in every grade, beginning in kindergarten.  With this being said, knowing that Chicago has the third-largest public school system in the country, close to 430,000 students.

Their time will be spent covering sexual orientation and gender identity, students will be learning terms and definitions such as heterosexual and LGBT- lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, in an effort to educated them on promoting tolerance and preventing bulling.

Although parents or guardians of students can opt out of the sexual health education program if they so choose, this leaves a lot of parents not having to take responsibility for teaching their children themselves.

ABS news in 2007 reported that Sen. Barack Obama told Planned Parenthood that, “Sex education for kindergartners, as long as its age appropriate, is the right thing to do. No condoms and bananas left behind!” One can imagine the Obama campaign trying to fight against damage control with the last statement.

I disapprove of teaching sex education at an early age, even when considered age appropriate. Parents should be actively involved with their children when it comes to what your children should and should not be learning in school.  Schools are intended to teach children how to learn, create and help achieve their dreams, as well as providing age appropriate material as their brain develops. Schools should not have the authority to introduce children to certain topics that would possibly take away their innocence.  If President Barack Obama was thinking age appropriate material for kindergartners and elementary level students, there would be no need for the” No condoms and bananas left behind” statement.

I am encouraging parents and family members of those who have students in the public school systems to find out where there school stands on early sex education training. I believe in protecting the innocents of a child, Reach out to your communities and school boards, because it is only a matter of time before it hits our state and local school boards.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Lets Talk About Mammograms Lady's

The past two presidential election President Obama's campaigns has worked hard towards winning women’s votes by bringing forth the contraceptive mandate and free preventative services as part of his Obama care sales pitch, but let’s talks about what Obama care is going to do about your mammogram lady's.

Under Obama care, the preventive services task force (USPSTF) is recommending changes when it comes to breast cancer screening guidelines. Here are four of the six guide lines below

  • Routine screening of the average-risk women should begin at age 50, instead of age 40.
  • Routine screening should end at age 74
  • Women should get screening every two years instead of every year
  • Breast self-exams have little value

#1, Routine screenings of the average-risk women should begin at age 50, instead of age 40. Fact: mammograms detect 85-90 percent of breast cancer. In 2011 a study done by stated about 85% of breast cancer occurs in women who have no family history of breast cancer.  Sense the release of  uspstf recommendations, research has found that out of 205 cancer positive patients 33 percent were between the ages of  40-49, leaving us to wonder how many patients would go un-diagnosed in their earlier stages of cancer,  if physician are require to make this change.

#2 Screening should end at age 74. This makes me mad, who beside God himself, decides when a human should be denied quality care, when do we stop fighting for their life? Guidelines state that they will not ban anyone from getting a mammogram if they feel it is necessary but it is not yet known if the insurance companies will cover under new regulations. - Vice chair Petitte MD told WebMD "these new guidelines don't imply that women younger or older than 50-74 should never be screened."- They just seem to be making it a little harder. American cancer society national volunteer president Fontham MD says that there is a good chance that Medicare and private insurance will have to stop paying for annual mammogram screenings for women in their 40's and over 74 because of rising health care cost brought on under the Obama administration.

#3 Women should get screenings every two years instead of every year.  This is a decision that needs to be made by the physician or radiologist base on the patient history, needs and risk factors; this decision should not be decided by a task force. This is a perfect example of our new health care systems agenda, putting boundaries between physician and patient’s relationship.

#4 Breast self-exams have little value. The preventive services tasks force says that based on studies showing that there is no signification difference from the women that do self-exams then the ones that did not do them. According to study’s, they state that they have good enough evidence to supporting the encouragement and teaching of self-breast exams. 

Americans need to come to the realization that the day is coming when their physicians will not only have trouble ordering preventive screening for a certain age group, but they will be under guidelines telling them how to manage and practice patient care. I like many health care workers are seeing changes, it’s time to become active. It will not be the president or the task force who will be denied care, it will be your health care that is denied.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

This little babe has been so sick this winter. Thursday he ended up once again in the Akron Children's ED, although there ED is not one to brag about, once we got settled in the hospital room, we had a great staff and much needed peace and quite. 

Baby & Moma are back at home, hopefully we will be able to keep this little guy healthy till we get blessed with some warm weather. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

On March 6, Republicans and Democrats watched as Senator Rand Paul filibuster 13 hours in Congress against the use of drones killing Americans on American soil who are being charged with a crime, without first being found guilty by court. Rand Paul in a speech at CPAC 2013, said that his filibuster was not just a speech about the use of drones but also was about constitution rights. So what is all the buzz with these drones, are they really that big of a deal?

Unknown to most Americans is the mass amount of domestic drones being introduced, as well as the mass amount of drones licences, but there are inadequate regulation on their use in the United States. The FAA modernization and reform act of 2012, says that drones will become more prevalent in the next two years. As of February FAA announce there may be as many as 30,000 drones in less then 20 years, which will be operate by both public, private and commercial. American airspace is already started, as of 2007 the FAA granted 1428 drone licences to police, university and state transportation.

Although drones have played a part in the war in the middle east, one can imagine the problems that drones could enhance the governments ability to monitor citizens in public places and on their own property. Our privacy law has not been able to  keep up to pace with our advance technology. Drones have become popularized worldwide as a result of the drone strikes that Obama administrations produced in tribal areas of  the middle east, one particular in Pakistan. These strike have been condemned internationally partly because the definition of "combatant"  which has been expanded to include any military age male in the region of the strike. There were also strikes made on american born members of AL-Qaeda, which created a law suite backed up by the 5th amendment and the 4th amendment, along with the prohibition on extrajudicial death warrants. Proving that there have been few attempts by our administration and congress to ensure the protection of our constitutional rights.

In January of 2013 Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said that, armed unmanned drones will be a feature of U.S. counter terrorism effort abroad for years to come along with possible home defense. The issue I see with that statement is that in the Congressional report from January 2013 we do not see any preparation for the legal rules of the use of drones whether it be privacy rights or consumer rights. This is where Rand Paul filibuster comes back into the picture, Senator Paul, is reminding the president and other elected officials that we need to be aware of the problems that drones will be creating and what rights we have as Americans citizens.

I do believe that God has blessed us with incredible means of technology. I also believe that America need to stay current with technology and protocol, but to do so we need President Obama and our elected officials to deal with issues of privacy, safety, and law.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


When contemplating the past 2012 elections, in response to the republican budget cuts, Obama stated that Medicare cost will be controlled under the independent payment advisory board (IPAB) which was established under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. This board is criticized by health care providers nationwide for its lack of authority and flexibility.  IPAB is a 15 UN ELECTED member board that is in charge of cutting cost with using a spending target system.

April 30, 2013 will be the start of a yearly prediction based on whether Medicare’s per-capita spending growth rate in the following years will exceed a target rate. They will base the target rate by a projected 5-year average. If future Medicare spending is expected to exceed the targets, the IPAB will have recommendations to put forth in front of congress and the president to reduce the growth rate. January 15 2014 will be the first set of recommendations. If congress fails to pass legislation by august 15th to produce savings, the IPAB recommendation will automatically will go into effect.

IPAB has to reduce Medicare cost without reducing benefits, increasing premiums, or making reimbursement cuts to hospital or nursing homes. Where then are the cuts going to come from, Physician reimbursement? Unfortunately with reimbursement being cut even more than it already is that will lead to fewer physician accepting Medicare patients, thus decreasing access to health care which we, referring to health care workings are already seeing with Medicare and Medicaid. Only one in three physician in 2012 accepted Medicaid and Medicare because of their low reimbursement rate. IPAB will go against what liberal said with wanting patients to have the ability to access quality health care.

The IPAB is by law unable to propose real structural reform. We are looking at a law that will only be making cuts to physicians by cutting there reimbursements, including administrative cost. This flawed micromanagement, that we will see in Medicare, will once again be damaging  access of care and ineffective at controlling cost.

We  are looking at some serious problems when it comes to health care for seniors.  We are looking at more Medicare cost shifting on the individuals and families, additional cuts will increase the percentage of physician declining Medicare and increase emergency room overflow.  Excuse me, but what kind of reform is this? I stand with American Medical Association in the elimination of the IPAB. I believe reform is necessary to lower the nation’s debt, but I do not believe that cutting reimbursement for work done by physicians, health care workers and peoples lives  is the correct way to decrease the debt ceiling. I believe we need to look at Medicaid reform, government handouts, and creating jobs. I do not believe in taking the rights away from seniors who have been an asset to our society is the correct punishment our health care system needs.