Monday, September 24, 2012

Does Plan B Belong in our School System.

This evening while I was flipping between websites reading up on current events I came across an article on Fox News stating that in New York City there will be 13 schools offering Plan B and Birth Control to their student population. 

I agree with the points Dr, Manny Alarez  made about the Plan B and birth control being offered in schools.

  • Medication such as plan b and birth control have side effects and adverse reactions.  
  • Where are the parents? Are you telling us that Students need a  parent consent to play school sports but they do not need a parents consent  for plan b or birth control. 
  • Plan B and birth control is not going to stop the spread of Sexual Transmitted Diseases, lets face it if anything people are going to be more sexually active. 

I do not believe that plan b and birth control is how our society should deal with teen sex and pregnancy.

Sunshine Girl in Red. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Welfare Reform Clinton and Obama

In 1996 congressional republicans and president Bill Clinton altered welfare for the better. The largest cash welfare program, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) was altered by having work requirements added to the program, changing the program name Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). In the next five years of this reform, welfare decreased by 50 percent and child poverty dropped.  Clinton proudly declared that the reform would “end welfare as we know it”.  Millions of families have been able to move off of TANF because they were given the opportunity to work and support themselves with the programs work requirements and work training offered.

This past July 2012, Americans watched as Obama’s administration came out with a change to the successful welfare reform law of 1996. The Obama’s administration allows the states to waive the TANF work requirements, taking out the very element that made this reform so successful. In the establishing of the welfare reform, congress intended the work requirements to be mandatory, meaning non-waivable.  The Obama administration is illegally claiming authority to waive the TANF requirements by using section 1115 waiver under one of the social security acts, but I bet you didn't know that in order to use the section 1115 waiver, that what you want to be able to waiver must be listed in section 1115. As to our knowledge TANF is not listen in section 1115, making it illegal.

AFDC, was a one way handout. Government mailed checks to welfare dependents with no expectation of receiving anything back.  Under TANF, taxpayers continued to provide aid, but the dependents were required by law to engage in work, or efforts to put themselves into the work force, by obtaining their GED, seeking vocational training, or by attending college. 

With Obama’s administration pulling the work requirements out of the TANF, it leads to more government dependency. What expectation do we have for those on welfare with no work requirements, but the expectation that they will be back for more government aid through means of government checks and food stamps.

A few days later in July 2012, Representatives Jim Jordan, David Camp, and John Kline introduced H.R 6140, The Preserving Work Requirements for Welfare Program Acts. This legislation would prohibit Obama’s administration, from removing the work requirements that made the 1996 welfare reform so successful.

As Americans we need to be active in this movement, every tax payer is paying into government aid. Let us better help out fellow Americans by expecting welfare dependents to give back. In return it helps encouraging economic growth as they begin to provide and get themselves off of the welfare system. Government aid is to help them get back on their feet and it is not intended for people to live off of for a long period of time.   

Turn in next time for more ramblings, 
Sunshine Girl in Red.