Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Thursday, June 20, 2013

IRS and their friends called DRONES

An agency leader told congress Wednesday that the FBI uses drones for domestic surveillance. Mueller, director of Federal Beurea of Investigation confirmed that the FBI owned multiple unmanned vehicles. but has not adopted any strict guidelines yet to govern the use of the controversial aircraft 

America should not be surprised. I'm not, look at our technology. Look at the AP phone scandal where multiple phone companies have handed over phone records of costumers. Look at the law suite dealing with medical records being handed over to our currently administration. Americans privacy bubble has already been popped folks. Big brother is already here to play. 

Feeling sarcastic. 

Sunshine Girl in Red. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Obama has a thing against Catholic.

As if the Contraceptive mandate wasn't enough bulling towards the Catholic Church, President Obama said in a speech in Ireland that "an alarming call for an end to catholic education" despite that Catholics are considered “a critical component of the church."

President Obama did not seem shy as he talked in front of an audience of about 2000 young people. Obama stated that Catholic education divides people and blocks peace.

"If towns remain divided- If Catholic schools have their schools and buildings and Protestants have their, if we can't see our self in one another and fear or resentment are allowed to harden- that too encourages division and discourages cooperation."

That is a very powerful statement President Obama, you believe in women having free choice when it comes to aborting a baby, Yet you do not believe in the choice of where they can send their child to school. How a child is raised should not be government mandated. Children of all ages should not be excepted to attended the same kind of schooling. Is this another issue of Religious Freedom? 

If you would like to argue that having Catholics and protestants in different schools, and that it encourages division. There is no such argument. Its not set up that you have to be Catholic to attend Catholic school, or the other way around. Each parent has choices to make when they raise children and which includes which environment they thing should be best for there family, and which school environment there child would do there best at. If we are the land of the free, where are all our freedoms?

Sunshine Girl in Red. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Monday, June 17, 2013

So long HIPPA.

Oh, what another beautiful day in politics that I can very proudly get to say I told you so.

Why don’t we start at the beginning?  HIPPA- everyone upon visiting a physician office signs an agreement listing the standard of privacy and accountability which that medical offices will up hold for their patients. Along with a sheet that the patient is allowed to put down a contact other than themselves that is available to get there medical information such as a parents or a spouse.   

As a Patient your Personal Health Information is supposed to be protected under HIPPA but a new or not so new ruling (just another part of Obamacare) from the Department of Health and Human Services allows agencies to trading information to verify that Obamacare application are getting the minimum amount of health coverage. Personal health information is all of a patient’s individual health history, lab results, test, and medical concerns.

Our administration has said that the new rules will have the proper privacy laws. Ha, what a relief. I'm sure America will find that promising considering all the scandals we have seen in the past month, with the phone scandal and the New York gun law.

Obamacare has already tried to get in between the relationship with a patient and the physician, with this new law, it makes us- the health care workers seem like the bad guys, With health care providers struggling with insurance as what patients medical  needs really are. 

I understand our current health system needs health reform, but I also believe in the sanctity of life, and there are many parts of Obamacare that contradict the beliefs that life no matter what age or what is medical needed despite that cost, that life is precious.

Sunshine Girl in Red.  

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Update on ObamaCare

Its been a rough couple months for health care workers and Obamacare. We saw a uproar from local Minnesota leaders worried about the rising costs of the Affordable Care Act. In the beginning of May the New England Journal of Medicine put out a study undermining the lefts central argument for expanding Medicaid. We all also got to witness the judges fight to over turn the 12 year and older lung transplant regulation, one of the many Obamacare panels bright ideas. We never ending battle of the left and right fighting over I told you so, and this is how it needs to be. We even have a liberal senator Church Schumer, has admitted that health care cost could "go through the roof" with Obamacare. 

The above remarks were followed by Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus who called Obamacare a "train wreck" before announcing his plans to retire. President Obama said in May at a press conference that Obamacare is "working fine" and that It has made health insurance stronger, better and more secure than it was before. President went on to says that there are just a slight details left to be implemented, but we shouldn't worry about those. 

Excuse me, there are just slight details left to be implemented. More Shitty healthcare is just what we need-said no one ever. I mean is that not why our own members of congress are trying to exempt themselves and their staff from Obamacare. 

Health Insurance Premiums are rising and taxpayers are having to pay for some major expenses that are coming from there paychecks. According to the Government Accountability office Obamacare and Medicaid cost are going to be down falls for the states that are just starting to get their budgets in place. 

Obamacare has several things it is changing with our current healthcare. One of the plans for Obamacare is to cover the uninsured by expanding medicaid, but this program is not in any way consider quality care and it is in need of major reform. I believe the reform should be delt with before we expand it. If one is in favor of lowering the debt, creating more jobs and stimulating the economy, then one should be for down sizing medicaid not expanding it. One in five physicians are restricting the number of medicare patients in their practice and one in three primary care doctors with this years cut in medicare payments of nearly 27 percent. Not only does it not benefit the working people, it creates a greater dependency on federal dollars.

President Obama says that the states opposing Obamacare is just political, but it is huge issue. Research shows the 40 our of 50 state will see a increase in cost to this medicaid expansion. Oh wait, they wont just see this increase, tax payers are already feeling with their paychecks they received right after the first of the year. You can't tell me your 2% raise covered your insurance that went up. 

Many things, many thing I tell you,  I could go on and on and on about. But I suppose i'll stop there for today, I would love to hear your insight! Leave me a message below. 

Trying to save the world one patient at a time.
Sunshine Girl in Red. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013