Monday, November 24, 2014

D.I.Y Christmas stockings

Happy Thanksgiving Week, 

Our house is in full holiday swing, with D.I.Y stockings, cut out cookies and 75% of Husband and I Christmas shopping is done! YAY!
These D.I.Y stockings where an idea that my sister-in-law and I found on pinterest. We planned a day, went to some local thrift shops and began our stocking. 

The stockings are very simple. NO SEWING MACHINE NEEDED! Did you get that? No Sewing Machine Needed. You are welcome, for all those who want to be crafty but feel they have to have a sewing machine to do so. I am so sorry that you were lead to believe that in the first place. My heart goes out to you. 

Any who,..

If you are ready to begin, just follow the pictures below. 

These were my sweater. Thrift store find of coarse. I did not spend more than 4 dollars on a sweaters. 

Because this sweater had buttons I wanted to used them, So Instead of cutting only one side, and stiching up one side I cut right out of  the middle of the sweater. 

 A few little note: remember to turn inside out.
 If you prefer that your stockings when hung are hung a certain way like you like the boot to go to the left or to the right, make sure that you have that correct. With this sweater because of the button I had to be careful, but with other sweaters that have same pattern on back and front it does not matter. :) 

This little needle is found near the yarn isle at the store, this blue one was purchased at Walmart for 1.97, came in a pack  of four.

I simply just used thinner yarn, the same yarn I used in a early post with the snowflakes, You can use what ever yarn you have or want. 

Here is a picture of two stockings all done. 

This is an example of a sweater that I used the seam on the side of the sweater so you only have to stitch one side and the boot.

Sweet daisy girl was tired, she also got to tag along to the thrift stores.

Ta do, the finish projects. 

Another one of daisy snoozing, because she is my faithful side kick. She gives me moral support while I work on projects when husband is at work.

Here you have it folks. Stockings all tied up on the banister, we do have a fire place, but i am not thrilled about nailing holes into it, so until we find a reasonable price and cute stocking hanger they will stay on the banister.

I hope you enjoyed the stockings. If you have any Christmas D.I.Y. projects you would like to share, please do. Post below. Daisy and I would love the comments and messages. 

Sunshine Girl and Red.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Let me just share some things before Presidents Obama speech tonight....

Tonight President Barack Obama will be taking executive action on immigration reform, but if you were planning on tuning in to see it don't turn your channel to CBS, NBC, ABC. 

It came out today that the white house did not  ask the three big broadcasting networks to interrupt there Thursday night shows for his big immigration speech.

However if you have Univision- the Spanish speaking network-you will be able to tune in and watch President Obama take action on immigration reform. To make your night even better just continue to watch because right after President Obama takes action with immigration reform the Latin Grammy's are being hosted, with Latin Grammy's being the highest rated program of the year on Univision. 

Why don't we just go ahead and celebrate  Mexico's revolution anniversary because it is November 20th. 

It seems only appropriate right that the white house would choose to not air President Obama's immigration reform speech on the big English speaking channels....... because WE as Americans will be sure to tune in to Univision! NOT! 

please. Let us just take a minute and watch a clip from a speech that President Obama gave in 2008. As President Obama  continues to take executive action and bypass congress he is proving that our constitution is really not that important to him. 


Excuse  my sarcasm. 

Sunshine Girl in Red 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Just a little home made Christmas in November

Good day.

I am excited to share with you the projects that Daisy and I have been working on today! It has simply been a perfect day! Let me mention that I am so thankful that I have a awesome husband that supports daisy and I- making it a possibility for me to stay home part time and do fun things around the house. We love you husband! ;)

Yesterday weather report read that we would wake up Monday morning  in a magical snow globe. Secretly praying to myself that it would be true  and planning my Monday adventures as I laid in bed last night, excited that Thanksgiving and Christmas was just around the corner.  I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed excited to peek out the window blinds hoping that the weather man was correct and that God had heard my silent prayers. Squealing as I looked and saw the snow covered roof tops, and crystal covered trees on our street.

Excited to take Daisy out in the snow for the first time this winter, I eagerly got up, You see Husband being sweet normally lets me lay in bed and he takes her out, but I was not going to miss out on this opportunity. Daisy walking into the snow snorting, and running with her nose in the snow. Happy to be playing, but when it was time to use the restroom she was a bit confused.

With breakfast made and husband sent out in the snow covered roads to work, Daisy and I got busy with our adventures that we had planned. Thanks to YouTube and recipes easily found  online we set out to make this years Christmas tree ornaments from scratch.  Below  I have pictures to document our wonderful day.

The Snow this morning, God surely does make beautiful things!

Crochet snowflakes,  That I have created to hang on our first Christmas tree as a married couple. YAY!  Thanks to many awesome YouTube videos our tree will be so pretty.
 Here is a link to crochet snowflake that I used and found very easy!

Here is a picture of my back yard, It is not wonderful!!

Cut out Ornaments. These were super easy, fun and smell really yummy, and so does my little house!

I found a blog that had this recipe and I thought I could easily do those, and save a ton of money on Christmas ornaments!!

Here are the ingredients:

that is it folks, Easy Peesy 

Applesauce and Cinnamon mixed together

Lets not forget about my side kick Daisy :) 
Responsible for licking all the utensils before I placed them in the dish washer, giving me moral support as I made them, and making sure that nothing was dropped on the floor. 

You can use whatever cookie cutters you would like! Daisy and I battled the slick and snow covered roads to run to Kohls where I got 25 cookie cutters for 10 dollars! Oh how I love sale items and 20% off on top of the sale. 

They baked for an hour at 250 degrees.
I will let them sit overnight, and will thread string through them tomorrow!

Daisy and I are tired and happy. 

Hope you enjoyed our little homemade Christmas. If you have any homemade Christmas secrets you would like to share please leave a comment. 

Sunshine Girl in Red 

Friday, November 14, 2014

This is for you Jenny!

 Dear Jenny, 

I wanted to share with you, where I put some of the items you blessed me with!

Here it folks, my bathroom wall art. :)

I promise my future post will have more juice than this one did!

Sunshine Girl in Red 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Home Made Pumpkin Peanut Butter Dog Treats

Recently at my house the kitchen has been going through a BIG diy projects -thanks to my super talented hubby!  That being said I have brand NEW counter tops in and they are ready to be used. I know can unpack some of my kitchen goodies that have been waiting to be given a spot on our kitchen counters. They are officially welcome into the kitchen to stay, this is their new home. yay!

Today was a big day for one of these items that got a new home on our counter tops, My Mixer!
Daisy and I decided to take the plunge and use the inside of the pumpkin mush that I had been saving from inside that pumpkin to create some home made healthy goodies. (All you who are wondering how long I have been saving it- Not that long, I'm not that gross)

Here are pictures of our pumpkin mixer adventure. Enjoy.

Pumpkin out of the pumpkin

My mixer

All of the ingredients:
1 cup flour
1 cup of pumpkin
1 tsp of cinnamon
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 egg
and a dash of salt

My little work station
I may or may not be a little nervous about working on my new counter tops. 

Daisy trying to sneak a treat before they are finished.

 This is how the treats look before I placed them in the oven. 

Daisy is waiting. 

Daisy is still waiting

Ta Da.. Doogie treats :) 

Baked at 350 until they are firm.

the original receipt you can find on

Enjoy. Woof Woof.