Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Monday, April 29, 2013

Local Abortion Clinic Shut Down in Cuyahoga Falls

Local abortion clinic shut down in Cuyahoga Falls. The Ohio Department of Health came out in an order saying it was revoking the Clinics Health Care Facility license to operate as an outpatient surgical facility. The clinic is no longer able to "perform medical service, including surgical procedures, pharmaceutical service's and anesthesia services" as of April 16. The Department of Health found multiple violations during the February 21st inspection, including "untrained staff, failure to maintain a safe and sanitary environment and failure to maintain patient documentation".

I don't see this news helping with the pro-abortion cause in Ohio.

I want Ohio and other states to realize that this issue of pro-abortion and pro-choice is a local fight. It is not just a national fight. We have seen almost nothing in the media about Kermit Gosnell and abortion clinic as he snipped the spins of babies already born alive. This makes me sick to my stomach, to think that people support woman's freedom of choice, yet those innocent babies, deemed human at the time of conception, have no freedom of choice. Thanks to someone else, who was not responsible with their own freedom. With freedom comes responsibility. It's pathetic. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Delays for American Travelers

Thanks to the new budget cuts travelers will be seeing delays at the airport. This budget cut imposed by the federal Aviation Administration, under the budget cuts approved by President Obama and Congress on Wednesday. 

It even seems that the FAA are proud that they are making this cut:

 “the FAA management has stated in meetings that they need to make the furloughs as hard as possible for the public so that they understand how serious it is.” 

Wow! What a statement! The map of flights  doesn't look back right now but its been less then a day. Can't wait to see the map in a few days. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

No Taxation Without Representation.

Internet sales tax is back! It will be the next big vote to go through Senate.  Kinda funny, right? (or is it just me that laughed out loud when I read the headlines) It appears to be another one of Washington’s bad idea, at a time when consumers and businesses are struggling to get by. *Cough *Cough, Obama care regulation. 

The proposed law would enable states to force businesses to collect sales tax from customers who live in their state—even when the businesses have no connection to that state. The S. 743 improperly named as the "Marketplace Fairness Act"  gives the power to states to force out of state businesses to serve as a tax collector, which overrules the U.S. Supreme court's 1992 decision in Quille Corporation v. North Dakota. 

Its as simple as this- True, states are struggling with budgeting.  True, They should be able to manage their budgets. False, They should not be able manage their debt by trying to collect taxes from citizens from other states. I'm sure those citizens are paying enough in tax in their own state, I know I am. 

I don’t see this no taxation without representation helping the economy locally or nationally. Sure, it would increase state tax collections percentage, maybe. Along with encouraging states to increase the size of their taxing powers, it also discourages free-market competition between states. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Continue to pray for Boston!

This morning all of America watches as the town of Boston is on lock down. One  of the Boston Marathon bomber is declared dead and the second bomber is on the loose. 

Live news feed as what is happening at ABC News also at the link below: http://www.cleveland.com/nation/index.ssf/2013/04/boston_manhunt_live_video_stre.html

Continue to pray for the people of Boston!

Sunshine Girl in Red

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Happy Friday, well Almost.

It’s My Friday! Although most of you still have one more day of work or school, I am happy and relieved to announce I don't. Today I am thankful for an awesome job that makes it possible for me to have an awesome schedule, four ten hour days! My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you who still have one more day in the grind. XOXO.

Oh and if you want something good to read, look at this accidental obituary for George Soros

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Days like today.

There are days while working as a health care professional, I feel as things are taking two steps back when the rest of the world is moving at fast forward speed. I get frustrated, stressed and overwhelmed with obstacles that are constantly thrown my way. I seem to get bound up with new regulations, different insurances policies, and new medication changes. I wonder who in the world ever thought Obama Care would be a better choice, as I try to explain to patient why things are happening the way they are. Yet, every so often God seems to bless me with patients that touch my little soul and  remind me the real reason I choose to do what I do. Each persons life is a gift from the Lord, Obstacle or no Obstacles. "Saving the world one patient at a time" - Andrea Galehouse P.A. My heart has set that as its goal, to save the world, one patient at a time! 

Until next time,

Sunshine Girl in Red. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Sunday, April 14, 2013

President Obama's Budget Irrelevant

President Obama released his budget on April 10th, 2013, two months past the due date. The House and Senate have already passed their own budgets, and the next step is for the two sides to come together and work on a budget that both sides can pass. At this stage of the budget game, why even create one Mr. President. It's irrelevant! 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

On This Day in 1985

"We can make ours the land of the future, offering unlimited opportunity to all Americans who dare to live for their dreams." - President Ronald Reagan, April 13, 1985

President Reagan said these words when addressing the nation on a radio broadcast regarding a plan that would completely overhaul American’s tax code. He gave great hope of changing it from a code of confusion, to a code that would model simplicity and fairness.
April 15th, a deadline that the average American forgets about, until it’s time to gather the old receipts and the pay-stubs, to delivered to the IRS. It can be a painful process, yet it is a legal obligation that we must complete.
This January many checked their pay-stub looking for what tax changes went into effect with the taxmegeddon put forth by our current administration. This included 13 tax hikes that hit every American. Former President Reagan described our tax code to be mirroring Washington itself, a complicated frustrating mystery. I would say that it still a true statement.

Reagan’s goal was to keep America a premier job-creating nation and that should still be our goal. Obama has said that his tax rates are the lowest in history, even lower then Reagan. Ha! We can see during Reagan administration there were two tax rates. We now have six tax rates, and our corporate tax rates are higher than most other nations. That is a big deal, this can hurt American competitiveness and job creation. Our pay-roll tax jumped from 4.2 percent to 6.2 percent this year. We have folks that are trying to earn money and get a job, to pay that so called "low tax rate" and they can't. Right now we are not competitive with the rest of the world. Americans are having a hard time keeping afloat. It is hard for me to see why people believed President Obama and President Reagan had the similar views on what taxes needed to be. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

New York Gun Control and Psychotropic Drugs

On April 1st, a legal gun owner in New York received a notice from the state requesting that he turn in any and all weapons to his local law enforcement department. The notice said that the gentlemen’s permit to own a gun was being revoked. The gun owner was a little confused, but did as asked, then contacted Jim Tresmond, an attorney who specialized in gun law in New York. The two made a little visit to the local police.

The local police were well aware of the letter because they had been contacted by the state police. The states intentions were that if people did not respond to the initial mailing local law enforcement is authorized to go to the gun owner’s home and ask the person to surrender their firearms.

In a conversation with Lawyer Jim Tresmond, he stated that his client has never had a problem with the law. He had no criminal record and or record of violence but his client did have a temporary short term health issue that had required medication.  

Three Questions:

How is this person’s private medical information and history being accessed by our government?? This is a BIG violation of HIPAA and the Health Information Privacy policies at HHS.gov.  Not only do I see this as a violation of HIPAA, but at my own job, I can get in trouble saying a patients last name out loud, which  also becomes a civil rights issue. When a patient is seeing a physician for the first time they are required to sign a HIPPA form saying that they understand that their medical information and history is for their relationship with the doctor and doctor staff only, and will not be used outside of that office. 

How did this even begin?  All thanks to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who was able to push a gun control law in through the middle of the night. (Sarcasm noted)

How was confiscation (a legal seizure) so quickly put into effect? According to the NY SAFE ACT part of New York’s new gun law, it mandates confiscation of weapons and permits if someone has been prescribed a psychotropic drug. Let's have a little medical lesson, starting with what a psychotropic drug does. Psychotropic drugs affect mental activity, behavior and perceptions, as a mood-altering drug; also being defined as a tranquilizer, sedative or antidepressant. Now that we have that information we know that we are looking at people who have had some diagnosis either present or past including ADHD, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and OCD.(Those are just a few examples). How many people do you know that fall into one of those categories? I'm sure a lot more than you think. Let’s go through some examples of Drug names for those disorders, Adderall, Concerta, Ritalin, Vyvanse, Ativan, Cymbalta, Effexor, Klonopin, Lexapro, Paxil, Xanax, Zoloft.. and the list goes on.

Now that you know you probably can't own a gun in the state of New York, we can go on with the story.

Oh No! They come to find out they also had the wrong guy.Yes, the wrong guy!
New York state police came out to say that they had been provided information on the wrong person. They has been notified to suspend someone’s permit because of the new mental health provisions in NY SAFE ACT.

Looks like New York will not be receiving their Gold Star.

When we look at what constitutional rights have been violated in this mess we of course start with the one that has been in every single headline, our 2nd amendment, the right to bear arms. The 2nd amendment contains two clauses; the Militia Clause, a well-regulated Militia being necessary to security of a free state and the Right to Arms Clause saying, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.  Pretty simple, I think. According to the constitutional law, we also see this mess as a violation of our Right to Privacy. Our founding father understood our need to secure our pursuit of happiness including our rights to life and in violating personality, (the right to be left alone) which is considered the most comprehensive of rights and probably the most valued by civilized men, this is our 4th amendment. Every violation of right to privacy must be deemed as a violation of our 4th amendment. While are 4th amendment protects our privacy, our 5th amendment (protecting us from the abuse of government authority) which we also see in the 14th amendment, both being traced back to the Magna Carta.

Look at what has happened! This is such a "I told you so" proud moment for me!

I have posted below two videos of when we were told “Nobody is coming for your guns” since the gun control debate started.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo: "This is not taking away people's guns."

What a mess, if you ask me.
Sunshine Girl in Red. 

Savannah Georgia

What a beautiful historical city. 

River street, one of Savannah many attractions, with restaurants and shops it provides entertainment for several hours. 

There are many beautiful buildings and structures that hold a story from days past. 

Paula Deen's restaurant, located in down town Savannah serving Paula Deen's home style cooking, a very popular stop on a trip to Savannah. Be sure to book reservations, its a hot commodity! 

Guided tours are available by horse and carriage, or trolleys and tour buses. 

Many of the street and stairways are created with cobblestones, which adds a unique passageway. 

Check it out Savannah.

-SunshineGirl in Red 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Lets talk about North Korea

The past couple weeks we have listen to North Korea voicing nuclear threats on the United States. In response, It has been reported that the United States have sent fighter jets to South Korea, in hopes that North Korea will back off.

In addition to the concerns that North Korea's military actions are causing and the deal they are intertwined in with China and Pakistan, the international community needs to be more aware of there human rights violations and economic position, results of three generations of dictator leaders.With little hope of reform in this sad country, we see North Korea's people closed off to modern foreign influences. The leaders force feed the information through government-run media, means that the people of North Korea have no access to modern technology such as internet.

North Korea food shortage did not end in the 1990's, like most believe, the famine still continues. Out of starvation, North Korea still struggles with cannibalism, as a mean of survival. We are talking widespread hunger among the people of North Korea.We are dealing with a country whose children are born into a world, where hunger and fear will be all they know. Despite that fact that we are aware of prison camps for those who break laws, North Koreans are forced to attend organizational government-instituted propaganda, their lives being coordinated from cradle to grave.

North Korea is a modern day horror story, something people would pay $8.50 on a Friday night to get a good scare. Let world history not repeat itself. North Korea is not just a international threat, but a ticking time bomb that if self destructs, without help, we see little hope of  a peaceful ending for the people of North Korea. But wait a minute-we aren't finish. China has ties with North Korea along with ties to Pakistan. Each country trying to advance with nuclear technology. The United States should see this a bit concerning, considering the debt we have with China, and the war we have been fighting in the middle east. Let us not forget that Pakistan played a key role with our war on Al Qaeda, being home to CIA and U.S military drone bases.

This week China confirmed it will be selling new 1000 megawatts nuclear reactors to Pakistan. Lets start with some back ground information, China has a membership of the NSG-Nuclear Supplies Group, which sets up guidelines for nuclear exports and nuclear related exports, its for countries which seek to contribute to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. With China urging Pakistan to keep the deal secret to avoid disapproval internationally, we see how there is possibility for guidelines to be violated. China and Pakistan do have some history of working together on joint projects with civilian use of nuclear energy, with guarantee to be monitor by the international nuclear organization.

China is going to be able to achieve its nuclear goals. With America owing over one trillion in debt, our safety and economy seems to be leaning towards China's control. Neither China or Pakistan have been called out on their action with fear of what either countries may do. We should see a concern, if the reactor deal is permitted, it increases the danger of nuclear weapons proliferating. U.S officials say that China joining the NSG prohibits the new reactors and prohibits to sell reactor to those who do not have international safeguards such as Pakistan.