There are days while working as a health care professional,
I feel as things are taking two steps back when the rest of the world is moving
at fast forward speed. I get frustrated, stressed and overwhelmed with obstacles
that are constantly thrown my way. I seem to get bound up with new regulations,
different insurances policies, and new medication changes. I wonder who in the
world ever thought Obama Care would be a better choice, as I try to explain to
patient why things are happening the way they are. Yet, every so often God seems
to bless me with patients that touch my little soul and remind me the
real reason I choose to do what I do. Each persons life is a gift from the Lord,
Obstacle or no Obstacles. "Saving the world one patient at a time"
- Andrea Galehouse P.A. My heart has set that as its goal, to save the world,
one patient at a time!
Until next time,
Sunshine Girl in Red.
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