Internet sales tax is back! It will be the next big vote to go
through Senate. Kinda funny, right? (or is it just me that laughed out loud when I read the headlines) It
appears to be another one of Washington’s bad idea, at a time when consumers and
businesses are struggling to get by. *Cough *Cough, Obama care regulation.
The proposed law would enable states to force businesses to collect sales tax from customers who live in their state—even when the businesses have no connection to that state. The S. 743 improperly named as the "Marketplace Fairness Act" gives the power to states to force out of state businesses to serve as a tax collector, which overrules the U.S. Supreme court's 1992 decision in Quille Corporation v. North Dakota.
Its as simple as this- True, states are struggling with budgeting. True, They should be able to manage their budgets. False, They should not be able manage their debt by trying to collect
taxes from citizens from other states. I'm sure those citizens are paying enough in tax in their own state, I know I am.
I don’t see this no taxation without representation helping the
economy locally or nationally. Sure, it would increase state tax collections percentage, maybe. Along with encouraging states to increase the size of their taxing powers, it also discourages free-market competition between states.
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