Lets talk about North Korea
The past couple weeks we have listen to North Korea voicing nuclear threats on the United States. In response, It has been reported that the United States have sent fighter jets to South Korea, in hopes that North Korea will back off.
In addition to the concerns that North Korea's military actions are causing and the deal they are intertwined in with China and Pakistan, the international community needs to be more aware of there human rights violations and economic position, results of three generations of dictator leaders.With little hope of reform in this sad country, we see North Korea's people closed off to modern foreign influences. The leaders force feed the information through government-run media, means that the people of North Korea have no access to modern technology such as internet.
North Korea food shortage did not end in the 1990's, like most believe, the famine still continues. Out of starvation, North Korea still struggles with cannibalism, as a mean of survival. We are talking widespread hunger among the people of North Korea.We are dealing with a country whose children are born into a world, where hunger and fear will be all they know. Despite that fact that we are aware of prison camps for those who break laws, North Koreans are forced to attend organizational government-instituted propaganda, their lives being coordinated from cradle to grave.
North Korea is a modern day horror story, something people would pay $8.50 on a Friday night to get a good scare. Let world history not repeat itself. North Korea is not just a international threat, but a ticking time bomb that if self destructs, without help, we see little hope of a peaceful ending for the people of North Korea. But wait a minute-we aren't finish. China has ties with North Korea along with ties to Pakistan. Each country trying to advance with nuclear technology. The United States should see this a bit concerning, considering the debt we have with China, and the war we have been fighting in the middle east. Let us not forget that Pakistan played a key role with our war on Al Qaeda, being home to CIA and U.S military drone bases.
This week China confirmed it will be selling new 1000 megawatts nuclear reactors to Pakistan. Lets start with some back ground information, China has a membership of the NSG-Nuclear Supplies Group, which sets up guidelines for nuclear exports and nuclear related exports, its for countries which seek to contribute to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. With China urging Pakistan to keep the deal secret to avoid disapproval internationally, we see how there is possibility for guidelines to be violated. China and Pakistan do have some history of working together on joint projects with civilian use of nuclear energy, with guarantee to be monitor by the international nuclear organization.
China is going to be able to achieve its nuclear goals. With America owing over one trillion in debt, our safety and economy seems to be leaning towards China's control. Neither China or Pakistan have been called out on their action with fear of what either countries may do. We should see a concern, if the reactor deal is permitted, it increases the danger of nuclear weapons proliferating. U.S officials say that China joining the NSG prohibits the new reactors and prohibits to sell reactor to those who do not have international safeguards such as Pakistan.
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