Monday, September 24, 2012

Does Plan B Belong in our School System.

This evening while I was flipping between websites reading up on current events I came across an article on Fox News stating that in New York City there will be 13 schools offering Plan B and Birth Control to their student population. 

I agree with the points Dr, Manny Alarez  made about the Plan B and birth control being offered in schools.

  • Medication such as plan b and birth control have side effects and adverse reactions.  
  • Where are the parents? Are you telling us that Students need a  parent consent to play school sports but they do not need a parents consent  for plan b or birth control. 
  • Plan B and birth control is not going to stop the spread of Sexual Transmitted Diseases, lets face it if anything people are going to be more sexually active. 

I do not believe that plan b and birth control is how our society should deal with teen sex and pregnancy.

Sunshine Girl in Red. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Welfare Reform Clinton and Obama

In 1996 congressional republicans and president Bill Clinton altered welfare for the better. The largest cash welfare program, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) was altered by having work requirements added to the program, changing the program name Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). In the next five years of this reform, welfare decreased by 50 percent and child poverty dropped.  Clinton proudly declared that the reform would “end welfare as we know it”.  Millions of families have been able to move off of TANF because they were given the opportunity to work and support themselves with the programs work requirements and work training offered.

This past July 2012, Americans watched as Obama’s administration came out with a change to the successful welfare reform law of 1996. The Obama’s administration allows the states to waive the TANF work requirements, taking out the very element that made this reform so successful. In the establishing of the welfare reform, congress intended the work requirements to be mandatory, meaning non-waivable.  The Obama administration is illegally claiming authority to waive the TANF requirements by using section 1115 waiver under one of the social security acts, but I bet you didn't know that in order to use the section 1115 waiver, that what you want to be able to waiver must be listed in section 1115. As to our knowledge TANF is not listen in section 1115, making it illegal.

AFDC, was a one way handout. Government mailed checks to welfare dependents with no expectation of receiving anything back.  Under TANF, taxpayers continued to provide aid, but the dependents were required by law to engage in work, or efforts to put themselves into the work force, by obtaining their GED, seeking vocational training, or by attending college. 

With Obama’s administration pulling the work requirements out of the TANF, it leads to more government dependency. What expectation do we have for those on welfare with no work requirements, but the expectation that they will be back for more government aid through means of government checks and food stamps.

A few days later in July 2012, Representatives Jim Jordan, David Camp, and John Kline introduced H.R 6140, The Preserving Work Requirements for Welfare Program Acts. This legislation would prohibit Obama’s administration, from removing the work requirements that made the 1996 welfare reform so successful.

As Americans we need to be active in this movement, every tax payer is paying into government aid. Let us better help out fellow Americans by expecting welfare dependents to give back. In return it helps encouraging economic growth as they begin to provide and get themselves off of the welfare system. Government aid is to help them get back on their feet and it is not intended for people to live off of for a long period of time.   

Turn in next time for more ramblings, 
Sunshine Girl in Red. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Grandma Molly & John F Kennedy

This past week while talking to my grandma I made sure to encourage her to vote in this past weeks primary. As she joked about writing in my name on the ballot or voting for Joe the Plumber, She was seriously considering voting for Mitt Romney. In a very concerned and loud voice I began going through the four republicans candidates that would be appearing on the ballot making sure that she would indeed vote Santorum

Well Tuesday night rolled around and I made sure to call her up and ask who she voted for. After giving me a hard time she confessed to taking my advice and stated she had in deed voted for Rick Santorum (I have never been so proud) Let me tell you this is the same grandma who has claimed to be Democratic for years, and even confessed to working and taking part in the JFK campaign. 

Its true people can change! 
Sunshine Girl in Red

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Rick Santorum for President.

Don't forget to cast your vote this Tuesday March 6! This is a big time for America and we need someone who is going to have enough back bone to fight. A Leader who is going to lead America the way our founding fathers worked so hard for!

Vote Rick Santorum!
Sunshine Girl in Red.

Even Isaiah wanted to show his support.

Friday, March 2, 2012

It is quite beautiful this time of year..

Just a few pictures from Shannon and I's adventure to Washington DC. 

and as you can see there was some snow on the ground. 

Even though it was really cold. 

And a bit windy. 


It was really captivating. 

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend, and for all you Ohio folks, Don't forget to go out and vote this coming Tuesday! 
Sunshine Girl in Red

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Its Thursday

Feeling so very blessed as I watched God open doors for me. This past week has been an exciting one, As I have got to meet key leaders who have been movers and shakers in Ohio's Government and who have got the chance to serve us in DC. 

Still waiting to see what all God has in store for my future, But I am excited for what he has blessed me with thus far. Praying that He will use me as a blessing and someday he will use me to be a mover and shaker.

Zechariah 8:13 
As you have been an object of cursing among the nations, O Judah and Israel, so will I save you, and you will be a blessing. Do not be afraid, but let your hands be strong.”

Would love to hear what blessing God has done in your life this week?! 
Sunshine Girl in Red

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Getting my feet wet.

Had a very pleasant Saturday, as I spent the afternoon meeting with a small group of Republicans and shaking the hand of Jim Renacci while at his headquarter in the heart of Wadsworth. I was very excited as he meet with us and other local people from the Medina and the Wadsworth area. This was a great opportunity for me to get my feet wet with local and state politics. It was a great encouragement as I meet a few people who are also on fire for this up-coming 2012 elections.

Finished my Saturday with dinner at BRAVO! and a little Shopping at Banana Republic with Mom and Andrea... Pure Bliss!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Movie Review: The Vow

What a beautiful heart warming movie about two people who fall madly in love, and suddenly their world is changed forever.

But I won't tell you anymore... I don't want to ruin it.

I will tell you that is has a happy ending.

One that every girl dreams of...

I mean a girl can dream can't she. 

Sunshine Girl in Red

Thursday, February 23, 2012

It's not Fracking its Hydraulic Fracturing

Hydraulic fracturing is a great opportunity for Ohio's economy and surprisingly its nothing new. Hydraulic fracturing started in 1953 in Ohio, but has been around for about 100 years.

Hydraulic fracturing is guaranteed to increases 50% because of our need for natural gas. If we truly want to be secure as a country and less dependent on foreign sources than this is the way to go! Our goal should be to start producing just as much as we use. Currently Ohio is only using 20% of their resources.

As for Ohio's economy hydraulic fracturing is looking to create close to 200.000 jobs! Talk about a major economy boost! Thanks to hydraulic fracturing our very own Youngstown steel mill which was left for dead is now being rebuilt .. creating jobs for Ohio. Steel mills are not the only job that are being created, construction workers, welders, CDL drivers and many other opportunities can be added to this list. This will not be just a short term economic boost but a long term economic boost for our generation and the coming generations.

A concern with hydraulic fracturing includes, refinery capacity, There are currently only two refineries located close to Ohio, Bradford PA and Newell, WV. According to the EIA there are only 148 refineries that operating in the USA.

Despite some of the concerns people might have and the haters from the liberal media, I am excited to see this energy boom pave a new and exciting way for Ohio's economy!

Sunshine Girl in Red.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Maybe We Need Some Reaganomics..?

1. Reduce Government spending
2.Reduce income tax and capital gains tax
3. Reduce Government regulation of economy
4. Control money supply to reduce inflation

At my age, to many Americans tax is just a word, much like economy and economic is just a word. Many at my age don't even do their own taxes, or even pay attention to where the future of our economy is headed. They are still depending on their parents or their parents accountants to do it all for them. Thanks to my mom, Who had me do my own taxes, I began to do a little searching. A little search to try and find out what all this talk about taxes and economics is all about and what I should be wanting to see from my representative in Congress, Senate and Mr President while their in Washington. Well here is a little overview for those who have no clue as to what basic economics and taxes mean for our future as American citizens.

Government Spending, for all of you people who are living under a rock or in your parents basement, government spending is a big issue and you should be concerned. Our national debt is at a raising 15 trillion! Which means your children and grandchildren won't even know what its like to feel debt free. In this up-coming election we need to vote for someone who is going to take charge and make a step in the right direction, and cut government spending where we need it, not where we need it most! This is Reaganomics number 1. 

Taxes, lets just say that the current Internal Revenue Codes are a mess! (for those who don't know what IRC is there tax laws) As a American citizen we should be looking for tax cuts that will result in higher investment, lower unemployment and improve our economy as a whole. This is where Reaganomics 2 and 3 come into actions, Smaller Government would increase tax cuts. An effective tax reform such as that of one of flat tax could boost our nations wealth, by means of it increasing work, savings and investments. So start paying attention! What are the people you voted into office doing about cutting government spending? Are they supporting Obama's military cuts, and his wanting to raise taxes on the rich?!

Money supply...What money supply I ask?! Clearly we don't even have any money as Americans, if we repeatedly watch our government borrow from countries like China. Also let me inform if you haven't already heard a few months back we added Europe to the list along with the corporations that have been bailout by the US government! Now that the euro is collapsing where does that leave the US Federal Reserve?  We are printing money that has nothing to back it up! This leads to Reaganomics number 4. Ronald Reagan said himself  "Inflation is as violet as a mugger, as frightening as an armed robber and as deadly as a hit man."

Friday, February 17, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Religious Freedom and Contraceptives

Three weeks ago President Obama announced that employers healthcare plans were to cover all forms of contraceptives. He stated that this would be a big help to many everyday working American woman, that were paying out of pocket for birth control.

I personally had a  problem with this. I became really discouraged the more I talked to people that I came into contact with that seemed to find no wrong with President Obama mandate.

What about religious freedom?
Amendment 1, of the Constitution of the United states of America states:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

All employers health care will cover contraception. A employer with strong religious views, such as a church or a religious organization is suppose to feel good about offering this to there employees. The first amendment protects the right of religious groups from President Obama's contraceptive mandate.

Although President Obama has come out and said that religious groups with be exempt from this mandate, I believe this fight is not over. As a christian and a defender of our constitutional rights we need to keep our eyes and ears open for what is to come of our health care.

Sunshine Girl in Red

Monday, February 13, 2012

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Reporting from Washington DC

Great first day at CPAC 2012!! Lots of really great speakers today.. and I got to meet the Duggars :) Beside the fact that I have some kind of viral yucky sickness God has been so faithful. :) Even had a gentlemen help us at the metro this morning. :) Well I'll post pictures soon!
Just not tonight, this Lady is heading to bed! I need to be fully rested for more of CPAC 2012 tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I'v been telling dreams to the scarecrow about the places I want to see.. I said boy, do you think i'll ever get there.. He just stands there smiling back me...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Kicking off 2012.

Kicking off 2012 with a lovely cold, that I got as a souvenir from finishing my first week of my externship as Andrea's MA. 

Also got to spend some time with my cousin Nate who has been station in Japan the last few years. 

Just finishing the weekend with watching Winnie the Pooh, some days I wonder if i'll ever grow up.
Sunshine Girl in Red