1. Reduce Government spending
2.Reduce income tax and capital gains tax
3. Reduce Government regulation of economy
4. Control money supply to reduce inflation
At my age, to many Americans tax is just a word, much like economy and economic is just a word. Many at my age don't even do their own taxes, or even pay attention to where the future of our economy is headed. They are still depending on their parents or their parents accountants to do it all for them. Thanks to my mom, Who had me do my own taxes, I began to do a little searching. A little search to try and find out what all this talk about taxes and economics is all about and what I should be wanting to see from my representative in Congress, Senate and Mr President while their in Washington. Well here is a little overview for those who have no clue as to what basic economics and taxes mean for our future as American citizens.
Government Spending, for all of you people who are living under a rock or in your parents basement, government spending is a big issue and you should be concerned. Our national debt is at a raising 15 trillion! Which means your children and grandchildren won't even know what its like to feel debt free. In this up-coming election we need to vote for someone who is going to take charge and make a step in the right direction, and cut government spending where we need it, not where we need it most! This is Reaganomics number 1.
Taxes, lets just say that the current Internal Revenue Codes are a mess! (for those who don't know what IRC is there tax laws) As a American citizen we should be looking for tax cuts that will result in higher investment, lower unemployment and improve our economy as a whole. This is where Reaganomics 2 and 3 come into actions, Smaller Government would increase tax cuts. An effective tax reform such as that of one of flat tax could boost our nations wealth, by means of it increasing work, savings and investments. So start paying attention! What are the people you voted into office doing about cutting government spending? Are they supporting Obama's military cuts, and his wanting to raise taxes on the rich?!
Money supply...What money supply I ask?! Clearly we don't even have any money as Americans, if we repeatedly watch our government borrow from countries like China. Also let me inform if you haven't already heard a few months back we added Europe to the list along with the corporations that have been bailout by the US government! Now that the euro is collapsing where does that leave the US Federal Reserve? We are printing money that has nothing to back it up! This leads to Reaganomics number 4. Ronald Reagan said himself "Inflation is as violet as a mugger, as frightening as an armed robber and as deadly as a hit man."
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