One of my favorite things about my job is when I get to talk to my patients about politics.
Just like everywhere in America, I have the patients that are Liberal, I feel that there is no hope for them, and It makes me wonder who was in charge of brain washing them. I have some patients who still believe in their social security- not sure where they think that money is coming from! I have a few you actually like President Obama, and will probably vote for him again. Some patients believe the war is over know that President Obama is pulling troops out an Iraq - Which absolutely blows my mind, because I believe that the war we should be worried about hasn't even started yet, or that is has started but the worst is yet to come. Yet I have some who think like me, and if times allows they will sit in therapy and discuss it. I love it. I try and soak up as much of it in as I can. A few looked at me and thought I knew nothing, but once I was able to prove myself and hold my own, it was like I got accepted into a little community of political goodness.
Granted there are still a few who try to nail me with with hard questions trying to find a flaw, but those are usually sexiest guys who does not believe in women talking of such things or they think I'm stupid. I'm not always sure which of the two it is.
One of my favorite patients (not that I have favorites-ya right) is a strong believer in Christ along with his wife, they both serve and teach at Ashland University. He is always bringing me in some sort of political readings that he thinks I might like or learn from. He fills me in on his currents thoughts on Senate, legilslation, foreign policy, Hebeas Corpus, up coming presidential elections, Obama & other political current events along with his thoughts from the class he is taking through Hillsdale college. He is a wise man, that I considered blessed to get to work with.
Another one that brighten my day is a lovely lady who lives in town. Although she is in her 70s, she is a pistol. She might say she does not know much about politics, but it does not take much for us to get her at the edge of her seat when talking about current events and hearing everybody's thought on the recent debates. If I have half the spunk she does at her age, I will be eternally thankful!
Than you have the couple who was delighted when they found out I was a Rush baby, although I enjoy listening to Rush I'm not sure I am as die hard as they are. Sometimes I think people need to think for themselves!
Than we have the ones that say they would vote for Donald Trump. Don't get me wrong Trump does know what he is doing with his money, but really? If Donald runs, he will run as a independent, leaving the republican party with less votes, more than likely giving Obama an even bigger foot hold into the presidential seat for a second term. Gahh! I don't understand why they don't get it.
And those Ron Paul fans, There will always be those who will vote for him. Why I'm not sure, I realize I'm not always right, but I don't agree with Ron Paul (or Glen Beck) when He says We need to bring the troops home as soon as possible. I think that by pulling out, it is sending a nonverbal statement. That is not what our Country security needs at this point of the game, (yes, its a game to most people) and can someone please tell me what jobs are going to be available when they all come home? You bring troops home that have post traumatic stress disorder and you don't supply jobs for them. (oh wait a minute, they couldn't supply jobs if they wanted to, because our economy sucks!) To me that does not seem like the greatest welcome home present.
Oh and while I'm at it, unemployment, I think that if your unemployed even if you aren't looking for a job, you should still be counted in the percentage. Come On! Stop lying to thousands of Americans!
And so this is one of my favorite parts about my job, My patients and their political views.
Sunshine Girl in Red.
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