Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Years!

Happy New Years blogger world!
I have a bunch of new years resolution for this upcoming year. I have no doubt its going to be a exciting, hard & beautiful adventure.

1. Buy a nice car
2. Make a differnce in my community
3. Get a high score on the national MA exam
4. Take a vacation & explore a new town
5. Fall in love

May 2012 be a year of great adventure,
Sunshine Girl in Red

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Wisdom Teeth.

What a way to spend Christmas weekend getting my wisdom teeth out and laying in bed. I can't complain to much the oral surgeon was one of the nicest gentlemen and even let me watch my favorite tv channel, C-SPAN!  As we watched both of us agreed that we were not fans of Newt. Along with getting to watch C-SPAN I am pretty well drugged, so far not a whole lot of pain so hopefully after a couple days in bed I'll be back on my feet in no time!  Well I don't know about you all but i'm ready for Christmas :) I may only be eating cold mashed potatos  and smashed peas, but it is one of my most favorite time of the year <3
May everyone have a very blessed Christmas,
- Sunshine Girl in Red
p.s Did I mention I have been shaking all the boxes under our christmas tree that have my name on it!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Politics and Work

One of my favorite things about my job is when I get to talk to my patients about politics. 

Just like everywhere in America, I have the patients that are Liberal,  I feel that there is no hope for them, and It makes me wonder who was in charge of brain washing them. I have some patients who still believe in their social security- not sure where they think that money is coming from! I have a few you actually like President Obama, and will probably vote for him again. Some patients believe the war is over know that President Obama is pulling troops out an Iraq - Which absolutely blows my mind, because I believe that the war we should be worried about hasn't even started yet, or that is has started but the worst is yet to come. Yet I have  some who think like me, and if times allows they will sit in therapy and discuss it. I love it. I try and soak up as much of it in as I can. A few looked at me and thought I knew nothing, but once I was able to prove myself and hold my own, it was like I got accepted into a little community of political goodness. 
Granted there are still a few who try to nail me with with hard questions trying to find a flaw, but those are usually sexiest guys who does not believe in women talking of such things or they think I'm stupid. I'm not always sure which of the two it is. 

One of my favorite patients (not that I have favorites-ya right) is a strong believer in Christ along with his wife, they both serve and teach at Ashland University. He is always bringing me in some sort of political readings that he thinks I might like or learn from. He fills me in on his currents thoughts on Senate, legilslation, foreign policy, Hebeas Corpus, up coming presidential elections, Obama & other political current events along with his thoughts from the class he is taking through Hillsdale college. He is a wise man, that I considered blessed to get to work with. 

Another one that brighten my day is a lovely lady who lives in town. Although she is in her 70s, she is a pistol. She might say she does not know much about politics, but it does not take much for us to get her at the edge of her seat when talking about current events and hearing everybody's thought on the recent debates.  If I have half the spunk she does at her age, I will be eternally thankful!

Than you have the couple who was delighted when they found out I was a Rush baby, although I enjoy listening to Rush I'm not sure I am as die hard as they are. Sometimes I think people need to think for themselves!

Than we have the ones that say they would vote for Donald Trump.  Don't get me wrong Trump does know what he is doing with his money, but really? If Donald runs, he will run as a independent, leaving the republican party with less votes, more than likely giving Obama an even bigger foot hold into the presidential seat for a second term. Gahh! I don't understand why they don't get it. 

And those Ron Paul fans, There will always be those who will vote for him. Why I'm not sure, I realize I'm not  always right, but I don't agree with Ron Paul  (or Glen Beck) when He says We need to bring the troops home as soon as possible. I think that by pulling out, it is sending a nonverbal statement. That is not what our Country security needs at this point of the game, (yes, its a game to most people) and can someone please tell me what jobs are going to be available when they all come home?  You bring troops home that have post traumatic stress disorder and you don't supply jobs for them. (oh wait a minute, they couldn't supply jobs if they wanted to, because our economy sucks!) To me that does not seem like the greatest welcome home present. 

Oh and while I'm at it, unemployment, I think that if your unemployed even if you aren't looking for a job, you should still be counted in the percentage. Come On! Stop lying to thousands of Americans! 

And so this is one of my favorite parts about my job, My patients and their political views. 

Sunshine Girl in Red.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Happy Tuesday.

These are the girls I work with, you can't even imagine the fun we have. 

Our office manager ( aka. Amazon king) is always ordering things online. When UPS arrives us girls tear open the box's to see what has come in, well  yesterday it was these funny looking goggles/glasses. Once out of the package of course like little kids we had to try them on and quickly decided to wear them around to see what doc and boss would say-you can only imagine what the patient thought as we worked on them in therapy- by our surprise Doc thought it was a hit & Boss (aka Amazon king, office manager) declared that on Wednesday we would wear them again and be bat girls. What a day in the office!

Although we thought they were some part of crazy costume that Boss got for us, Doc told us that they were dribbling goggles for her basketball team.. Who would have thought. 

And a shout out to my beautiful strong mother. Her Birthday was also yesterday. Happy Birthday Mom!

Time to go drink coffee & listen to Christmas music & be some sort of productive today... 

Sunshine Girl in Red. 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Black Friday

Hello Turkey Lovers, 
Did you have a wonderful thanksgiving? I sure did! I was moma little helper in the kitchen almost all day & when 5 o'clock rolled around we sat down to a lovely full coarse meal, With mash potatoes, Stuffing, Layered salad, Rolls, Pies, Cakes, Cookies, Baked beans, Cooked apples, & of coarse a very juicy yummy Turkey. It was wonderful. (Thanks Moma)

Well not long after dinner that is when the craziness starts... Black Friday! I just would like to say that people are crazy, and that if I do decide to go again next year (which I probably will, because although I may be grumpy today & complain a little I did have a great time) I won't be in any rush or hurry to get anything because I am not sure its worth all the madness, its sure is funny to watch everyone. The lines are way to long, the sale aren't really always the best & there is no parking what so ever. I will admit it is fun if you go with friends, spend time laughing & every so often you do find a good deal! Like Walmart always has cheap movies (which i snag a few), & I was able to snatch both my sister & boyfriends Christmas present. 3 points for me. SCORE! 

Now that i'm grumpy from lack of sleep, the Christmas music is on, left overs are abundant,  
I'm going to enjoy the rest of the weekend with my family & of coarse the boyfriend. 

Happy (recovery) Saturday, 
Sunshine Girl in Red

Ps. Today would be my grandpa Woody's 92nd birthday, & let me tell you, He would not be happy with this government! 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving part 1

Thanksgiving what a wonderful time of year.
 Except for the fact that it's not even thanksgiving and Panera bread already got rid of its pumpkin spice latte, way to rush the holidays Panera.. My Sister and I were very unhappy costumers!
Today was thanksgiving part 1, Dad's side of the family get together. Its always good to see those relatives that you only see a couple times a year.

Happy Early Thanksgiving,
Sunshine Girl in Red

Friday, November 18, 2011

Have you missed me?!

Hello Blogger World, 
Have you missed me? 
Its crazy to think that November is almost already over. Coming next week is good old turkey day. YUM!  Its also crazy how long its been sense my last post. Worst blogger of the year award goes too.. (drum roll please) Sunshine Girl In Red for forgetting she even had a blog.. 
Well let me summarize my life the past few months, I got a new job (which I love by the way), I gave Chipotle my two weeks notice. I started school, Which I love school! I am trying to stay ahead of the game with Thrity-One. (Did I mention I am still life guarding) Got the Externship site I wanted. While trying to keep up with stuff at home, manage time with friends and be an encouraging girlfriend.. i'm sure you can only imagine.

Here are some pictures of whats been going on in my life. :) 


Frankie & I 
( Franks first time at PGram Dunn)

My Mama & I 

Em & I 

I was Rosie the Riveter for Halloween

This kid Andy was one of my best friends growing up & still is, He is a marine and I couldn't be more proud of him. He got to come home this fall before his deployment. 

My friend Clint and I's awesome pumpkins which we displayed at his Halloween party. 

Until next time dear friends, 
Sunshine Girl in Red

P.S. I can't forget to mention how excited I am for Boyfriend to be home for thanksgiving. :) 

Monday, August 22, 2011


I just wanted to post and say that I did not forget that I have a blog, Its just things are a bit crazy in my world.
But don't worry I shouldn't be gone long. 

Sunshine Girl in Red. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Giggle Attacks.

Have you ever had a giggle attack?  When you start and can't stop? and it always happens at the most inappropriate time! You know what I'm talking about. Well I seem to have a problem with this. Let me give you a few examples: Church, Whether it be during a hymn or communion. I seem to somehow find something really silly to giggle about. (most the time I blame it on my mother.) Like this past Sunday night my mom and I were sitting there while the pastor is giving his little lecture before communion & all it took was for me to take one glimpse of my mom laughing to herself about who knows what and I was a goner.(mom is currently asking me over my shoulder why I always blame it on her?) Lets move on & talk about dinner, like if i'm out in public, I sometimes get a giggle attack. Which makes me look like maybe I have had something to drink or to much sugar, but really its just that I've been attacked by the giggles. The thing about giggle after dinner is that your tummy usually starts to hurt.

 Well this is enough confessing for me today! 
Sunshine Girl in Red

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Run Away Bride.

During my photo shoot down town poeple were asking if someone was getting married?  I would keep walking saying I was a run away bride. Truth is, Its just an old prom dress, some cowgirl boots I got at goodwill. & No i'm not a run away bride. I'm not even engaged. 
If you wanna check out more photos from the photo shoot check out my Emily's blog

Also Sister posted some photo's too. Check them out! 

Still feeling a little under the weather. Time to go drink some juice & get some more tissues. Thank goodness I have my Doggie to cuddle with, But it seems she been a little sneeezy too! 
Sunshine Girl in Red. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Only Rainbows After Rain.

This is what I found after church last week. 
Also I found that my windows were left down.

Title inspired by Andy Grammer's song: 

Off to eat some mac & cheese. 
Happy Sunday
Sunshine Girl in Red. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

Movie Review: The Help.

The help is a great heart filled story of courage & love about the strength of what a couple women can do despite the color of their skin. 
It was funny. I cried. It even made me anxious at one point. It showed the struggles and the humor of black maids and how they felt taking care of white family's household nedcessities and their white children. Oh it touched my heard in so many ways!

Go see it, and tell me what you all thought! 

Sunshine Girl in Red.

P.S. Photo shoot today, Can't wait to post some pictures for you all to see :) Oh and did i mention three day weekend. Spending most of it with the boy. yay. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

catch up monday.

once again it is catch up Monday. 
Thirty-One Stuff.
Yard Work.
Snacking all day. 

This list sums up my typical Monday & I'm surprisenly  not ashamed of that. Should I be?
Normally I would have bachelorette/bachelor on that list but it ended last Monday so it is back to waiting till the next season comes on, With that being said I am super happy with Ashley's choice. Not only is JP gorgeous but he is a little older than her.. I think JP is a great pick. Although I have to admit it was hard for me to see her say goodbye to Ben last week. 

Happy Monday, 
Sunshine Girl in Red. 

Monday, August 1, 2011


This is Andrea
She had a birthday last week. 
Sister and I decided to surprise her at work!
It worked!

Than we went to eat yummy asian food. 

Can't you tell I was real photogenic that day. Blah. Oh Well. 

Its sunny and hot here so after I get my work done I'm heading to the pool with my Sister. 

Sunshine Girl in Red. 

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hot Air Ballons

Yesterday boyfriend and i went to visit some friends and enjoy some hot air ballons and fireworks! 

They were really neat to watch with all the different colors.

I'v been really busy and work has been kinda stressful, but i'm just going to try to enjoy my last bit of summer.

Have a Happy Sunday.
Sunshine Girl in Red. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

One Hot Wedding.

Weddings. I love them!
 Even if there outside in July on what feels like one of the hottest days of the summer! 

Boyfriend & I went to a wedding yesterday. 


It was a pretty wedding. 

We had a lot of fun. 

The rind barrier & the flower girl.

I made a new friend. 

& the Bride and Groom live happy ever after. 

Sunshine Girl in Red

Saturday, July 23, 2011

1 Corinthians 15:58

This has been some week. I am glad to say it is over. 
I'm emotionally and physicaly tired. 

This is the verse that they read at the funeral today, Ken lived this verse out everyday of his life:
Therefore, My dear, Stand firm, Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Cointhians 15:58

I'm going to miss him,
Sunshine Girl in Red

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

In loving Memory Of.

Yesterday, One of the Greatest Dad's I had the chance to watch almost my whole life went to walk with our Lord, with no more suffering and no more pain. 

My best  friend  lost her dad yesterday. 

He was suffering with brain tumors. 

It has been a long journey for both his family and for him. 

But we can celebrate that He walks and talks with our Lord Jesus Christ. 

I won't forget hearing his laugh from upstairs or all the sunday afternoons I was at their house and he was napping on the sofa in the living room. All the trips he let me tag along, and all the things he would bring back when he went away to far away countries. 
Ken Stoltzfus touch the life's of many across the World. His willingness to serve others as Christ would, with his generosity, kindness and selflessness will never be forgotten.  

 Thanks for your prayers, 
Sunshine Girl in Red. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hello Down Town Cleveland, We Meet Again.

Andrea & I took a little trip to Cleveland Ohio, to have a nice lunch with the boyfriend. 

We ate at Zocalo Mexican Grill, right on 4th street. It was such a fun atmosphere. 

It was very delightful.

Also a fun place to take pictures.

This is my dear friend Andrea. 

She is more like a sister. 

I love the city. 

Besides going on my little lunch adventure today, I can say that I successfully change the oil in my car all by myself yesterday.. with the help of boyfriend of coarse. 

One more picture of my dress, isn't cute. hehe. 

Hope everyone has a great rest of the week, 
Sunshine Girl in Red. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Its gonna be a hot one..

It still morning, but its already in the 80's. 
Good thing I'm getting paid to be in the pool today.

Everybody stay hydrated & make sure to apply sunscreen. 
Sunshine Girl in Red. 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Here comes Miss America.

This outfit, made me feel kinda like Miss America.. 

Not sure if its the colors,

Or if its the way i parted my hair,

or maybe its the fact that I wore high heels

or Maybe its because I like to pretend I really am Miss America.. 

Besides the Fact that it made me feel like Miss America, It was a super cheap outfit to throw together, 
Shirt: 63cent,. Goodwill
Pants: Sisters Closet
Shoes: had them so long I can't remember where I got them.
Belt: 50cents, Goodwill
Sun glass: 5dollars, Forever 21

Happy Sunday,
Miss America

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mom's flowers.

My Moma has good taste when it comes to flowers. 
She may not think that I appreciate all her hard work, but I do. 

Shopping with my Sister & mom today. 
I'm Happy to say I'm on a two day vacation. 

so peace out girl scout. 
Sunshine Girl in Red