Saturday, September 21, 2013

To Romania & Back.

Today Mother, Andrea and I went on an adventure. An Adventure that took us all through Canton, the good and back parts, and landed us at Saint George Orthodox Romanian church for a little Romania Festival. We were hoping to learn all about the country my sister is currently living in.  

It was such a party. They had Romanian food, pastries, music and dancing. 

Mother, I and Andrea

Welcome to the Romania Festival 

A real Romania dish. 
Cabbage rolls, 
& corn meal covered in cheese.

 Pastries. Yum! 

The best part of the day DONUTS!! 

We had a good day on our little adventure.
If you have an opportunity in your community check one out! Its very lively, and the donuts are wonderful, nothing like anything you'll find in America that is sure. 

Happy Saturday!
Sunshine Girl in Red.