Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14
Day 4. Monday May 17 2010
This morning we went to a hospital. My heart which broke the first night.. ached when i saw the kids. When we first got there we got the opportunity to take a tour of the hospital. We were able to see 2 of the 5-7 wings that the hospital was divided into. We saw the heart wing and the Pneumonia and Malaria wing. We had the great opportunity to pray over the sick children and there family members. The rooms were enter at your own risk. My heart aches tonight, it really does.. Some of the rooms held up to 7 kids, when really in perspective there rooms were not the big, and should have only held 4 to 5 patient in each room. In the hospital as a patient you are excepted to bring your own bedding along with a few other things. Mothers and fathers walk miles and miles.. took buses to get to this hospital which was said to be one of the biggest children's hospitals in Nicaragua. It was nothing but clean.
After we had went through and prayed our group was taken out into a court yard in the middle of the hospital.Here we did our Children's service, we danced and did skits. There was about 100-150 sick children plus there parents. It was a lot of fun.
This courtyard was everything but clean. The kids came out with Iv's in there little arms and legs. some had no shoes on, with a dirty little body. In America you wouldn't leave your hospital room with and IV, let along sit in the dirt in the hot sun. The parents of the sick children love having us pray over them. There faith seems so much stronger than ours... they have faith that can move mountains.
After our skits and dances were done. We passed out cookies and juice, Dawane got out a bag of stuffed animals, they loved those.
Tonight, we drove a little over an hour to a beach. We had a lot of fun tonight. It was different than our beaches back home, but it was fun. People are selling things, and there are stray dogs everywhere. We had dinner on the beach tonight. it was different. The boys had the chance to play soccer with some of the local surfers. A lot of the streets near the beach were brick so it was a pretty bumpy ride.
On the way home tonight, as i looked out of the bus window i noticed that a lot of people lwho lived near the beach lived in a little house, with dirt floors, and almost next to nothing but they have a big screen TV. I found out that to a lot of them it is like insurance. They buy a big TV and if something goes bad or they need money they know that they can just sell there TV.
The heat is starting to get some of the people on our team. Tonight i will fall asleep to the birds and the guard whistles and the cars.. and i will once again wake up to them in the morning. My heart is heavy.
Did I tell you that we have a guard dog inside our compound. Its supposedly not friendly they let him guard at night, and than lock him up during the day.
Day 5. Thursday 18 2010
Dirt floors, they go to the bathroom out in the open, there food came in a trash can. My heart is heavy.
We performed our skits and dances at the school. it was more like a roof with sides that only went half way up. We had a lot of fun with it. It was as hot as ever, but the children just wanted to be touched, and held, there little dust bodies pressed against our sweaty ones. priceless. They were dirty, with unbrushed hair, and flee bites all over there little bodies.. how could someone live like that.. But they had the prettiest smiles. We sat with them, and asked them there name, and what there favorite color was. they were such a blessing, and they loved taking photos.
One little boy that i had the chance to hold on my lap, pointed to the Ethan a boy on our team who was playing Jesus during the skit we were watching.. The little boy pointed and said "es Jesus" And i just smiles and said "si, es Jesus. Muy bein" Although my Spanish was not that good, and that the little boy couldn't understand anything i said in English. Him and I could communicate on the most important topic, Jesus Christ. This little boy was 5, and i fell in love with his perfect white smile. I wish i could have brought him home with me..
This afternoon we went a orphanage for handicap. You could tell that there were people on our team a little uncomfortable. For me it wasn't a problem.. you just need to remember that no matter what, they are still a child of the most high God.
The place was small and we had almost no room to perform are dances and skits, but we tried our best. Some were unsociable and very shy. Others wanted to join in with our dancing and hold our hands and give us hugs.
Passing out cookies and juice one would have thought it like a birthday cake. They loved it. One of the leaders of the group and stayed back while the rest of the group went on around the orphanage and passed stuff out. While we stayed back we had the opportunity to feed this one very special lady. She was completely helpless all i prayed was God fill there hearts, make them whole. send people to love on them and supply there every need, physically and emotionally, God made everyone for a reason, God made everyone for a reason.. I don't know how many times i repeated that inside my head today..
Before this trip i prayed the Brandon Heath song.. Give me your love for the broken hearted, give me eyes so i can see everything that i been missing.. people's hearts are breaking on my team.. We can see it and i know they can feel it.. For my own heart is aching.
Tonight for fun we went to pop's fro ice cream. it wasn't bad. i accentually ordered the wrong thing for me and Megan, but it was still good.Tonight is one of the first nights i will be going to bed by 9 there time. Everyone is worn out physically and emotionally... so i fall asleep to the noise of a third world country right outside these compound walls.
Ps. Did i mention the driving here is Loco!
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