No training or preparation could have prepared me for the things that I experience those two weeks in Managua Nicaragua.
Day 1:
Flight was delayed in Austin, Texas thanks to thunderstorms. We reached Nicaragua around 3am (American time) That morning we had been told to pray about getting past customs once we were in the Nicaragua Airport. We were told that groups going before us had been stopped and that the things they had brought were not making it through customs. Along with our personal items we had filled and brought rubber maid containers and green army looking bags filled with shoes and stuffed animals. No one bothered to stop us that night. They let us walk right out of the airport, with our bags being untouched and unchecked. What an amazing way to see God answer prayer on our first day.
Tiredly we loaded a bus waiting outside the airport for us and began to make our way through the city of Managua. (Did i mention as soon as you stepped off the plane you began to sweat.) Although dark outside, I was able to see that which I had never seen before. Coming into this trip my main prayer was that God would break my heart for what broke His, my heart was broke that night on the bus. I saw homeless, prostitutes, little business, graffiti everywhere, trash, and numbers of little shacks people called homes. My heart broke for these people that i hadn't even meet yet. These people who knew no different than the life they had or were living in. Not only did my heart ache for the people of Nicaragua, but it began to ache for the people back home. We have so much to be thankful for and if anyone would just take one bus ride through Managua.. I'm sure they would applicate their medium side house and two car garage.
Bed Time: around 5am (american time)
Day Two: Saturday, May 15 2010
Sleep not so well last night, but made it through the day. Weather, one minute sunny the next minute rainy, always hot.
The streets are filled with poverty and filth, my heart breaks for the people of Nicaragua.
We went to a Market today. People and items are constantly being shoved in your face. The meat section of the Market is enough to make one be a vegetarian. The raw meat lies out in the heat, fly infested with stray dogs waiting for the perfect moment to grab a piece. Things you find there are very cheap, its amazing that they make a living off of it, but than again they are not living on much. Kids are parent less, filthy and constantly begging. The smell is nauseating at times. I don't believe I have ever seen so many bananas.We meet two kids today, a brother and a sister. They sell candy while there mom is a prostitute in the same Market.
This morning I had the opportunity to go with Duane to pick up breakfast which was pastries and juice. We stopped at a bakery and also got to go into there version of a Walmart. It has a lot of what you would find in an America Walmart.
The kids down here are such a joy. Today felt like it was never going to end, but here it is finally drawing to an end. I will fall asleep with the nose of Nicaragua right outside our compound walls.
To Be Continued.
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