This week has been full of biblical examples. I am not sure "biblical examples" is a good way to describe it but that is all I have at this time.
Let me start with Benjamin Netanyahu speech that was given in front of the United States Congress. Benjamin Netanyahu spoke on the topic of Persia, and the nuclear deal that our current Administration is playing around with. As I listen to his speech over and over again. I tried to pay attention to the details. It was not until I was sitting with my husband that I pointed out that Benjamin Netanyahu is saying Persia, He is calling Iran by its old name. Why would He do that?
The answer is simple for those who know the biblical story of Esther.
This is the month of Esther. The month that Jews have on their calender to celebrate and remember the princess of Persia. Esther a Jew, was taken to be Queen to the King Ahasuerus. She saved many Jewish lives thanks to the warning from her cousin Mordicia. (to read the whole story, read the book of Esther)
In Benjamin Netanyahu speech this week, He referred to himself as the modern day Mordicia. I believe this speech is one of the most important speeches I will hear in my life time. We as a Nation like in our history will come to a point when we will have to pick a side. Benjamin Netanyahu came to warn us. He came to wake the American people. However I am afraid that no one was listening.
The Jewish people, along with Christians are being attacked. Will America be the modern day Esther? Will we stand up and side with Israel?
Husband and I went and saw the movie "The dropbox" last night. A story about a selfless Pastor and his wife living in South Korea rescuing babies through a large box that he installed on the side of his house.
As I watched the heart touching movie, I was reminded that all children are a gift. Not only are children a gift, but they are sent to earth by God for a purpose. Many of the children that Pastor Lee and his wife take in have some kind of disability. The selfless love that this Pastor and his wife show is incredible. I left that movie theater not with a broken heart, but with a heart that was tender . I was happy for the babies who were going to be given a chance to fulfill Gods purpose, but what I continue to think about is the poor girls who were the mothers of these babies. The girls who lived in a society that gave them no other choice but to abandon their baby. My heart hurts for those girls and women. This morning I just prayed that God would find all those mothers, and heal their broken hearts, because only God can do that. Only God will give them a whole heart.
Pray that God will show you what it is that He wants you to learn or do with your life, We all have a purpose.
Sunshine Girl in Red.