Happy Thanksgiving Week,
Our house is in full holiday swing, with D.I.Y stockings, cut out cookies and 75% of Husband and I Christmas shopping is done! YAY!
These D.I.Y stockings where an idea that my sister-in-law and I found on pinterest. We planned a day, went to some local thrift shops and began our stocking.
The stockings are very simple. NO SEWING MACHINE NEEDED! Did you get that? No Sewing Machine Needed. You are welcome, for all those who want to be crafty but feel they have to have a sewing machine to do so. I am so sorry that you were lead to believe that in the first place. My heart goes out to you.
Any who,..
If you are ready to begin, just follow the pictures below.
These were my sweater. Thrift store find of coarse. I did not spend more than 4 dollars on a sweaters.
Because this sweater had buttons I wanted to used them, So Instead of cutting only one side, and stiching up one side I cut right out of the middle of the sweater.
A few little note: remember to turn inside out.
If you prefer that your stockings when hung are hung a certain way like you like the boot to go to the left or to the right, make sure that you have that correct. With this sweater because of the button I had to be careful, but with other sweaters that have same pattern on back and front it does not matter. :)
This little needle is found near the yarn isle at the store, this blue one was purchased at Walmart for 1.97, came in a pack of four.
I simply just used thinner yarn, the same yarn I used in a early post with the snowflakes, You can use what ever yarn you have or want.
Here is a picture of two stockings all done.
This is an example of a sweater that I used the seam on the side of the sweater so you only have to stitch one side and the boot.
Sweet daisy girl was tired, she also got to tag along to the thrift stores.
Ta do, the finish projects.
Another one of daisy snoozing, because she is my faithful side kick. She gives me moral support while I work on projects when husband is at work.
Here you have it folks. Stockings all tied up on the banister, we do have a fire place, but i am not thrilled about nailing holes into it, so until we find a reasonable price and cute stocking hanger they will stay on the banister.
I hope you enjoyed the stockings. If you have any Christmas D.I.Y. projects you would like to share, please do. Post below. Daisy and I would love the comments and messages.
Sunshine Girl and Red.