Friday, August 30, 2013

Internet Security Maybe A Problem.

According to news sources America is considering military action on Syria, we may see some trouble in the US. Syria has the capability to enter into a cyber war. Just yesterday Twitter and the Washington Post was hacked spreading lie that the White House was under explosions. With the amount of damage Syria can do, we also know that Iran has a history of getting into trouble. Iran was blamed of the attacks on the Aramco oil company wrecking about 30000 computers. Iran also is in the history of attacks we saw last fall, with crashes the dozens of US bank websites. It will be interesting what we see to come of this as Homeland Security does in the following weeks.

I'v said it before. World War 3 folks,  with our hands in so many other country's pockets for financial reason, It will be interesting to see what our future holds.

Sunshine Girl in Red.

Friday, August 9, 2013

My First Piece Of Furniture :)

Proud to show off all the hard work Kyle and I got done last weekend! 
Chair: Goodwill 
Fabric: Joanne's  

We reupholster a chair!

I was so very excited about this project!

Thankfully Kyle was able to help me out. 

Including using the staple gun. 

but first we had to take all the old staples out. 

It kinda made me feel like we could take on any house project. 

Sunshine Girl in Red

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Sod, West Virginia.

Sod, West Virginia what a unique little place on the map-that is if you can find it. 

I spent that last weekend in July, staying with friends in there parsonage. Visiting, getting lots of sleep,  drinking coffee, and exploring Charleston and the hills and forts surrounding the town. 

I was so very excited when we went into town and got to explore some of the little shops with antiques. I am proud to say I pick up a few good items and i'm looking forward to sharing them on this page in a future blog post. 

West Virginia was a pleasant little get away from the real world. I am looking forward to going back. 

Sunshine Girl in Red