Yesterday started off pleasant. I did not have to be into work till 2, I was enjoying my morning by baking easter cookies. Afternoon hit and while I was working on pre-class homework I received a phone call from out of state. Now I wonder who that could be? (I thought to myself).. Boston Reed College, calling to tell me that the Medical Assistant Class I was registered for that started April 26th was being moved to September.......... I cried. & when I say I cried. I mean sobbing. I was a mess the whole rest of the day yesterday. It was horrible... Here I was excited to commit my summers to studying my brains out... than they let me down.
Needless to say how yesterday went, I got my butt out of bed this morning to go hang out with a few Medical Assistants in my dear friends office. Had a great time and learn some new stuff. I dream that some day I will finally get into a office and talk with little old couples about the weather.. and way back when. *Sigh*... God has a plan, and He is in control....
It amazes me that every time I seem to think I know what i'm doing something changes..I feel like i'm back at square one with my life.. (I don't deal well with this feeling) Than I am reminded that..
"In all things God works for the good of those who love him and who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Its hard to believe that when your mad, but I need to remember that through everything God is building me to become the woman I need to be.. and apparently this Woman-being me- is not meant to go back to school yet..
With this being said I raise my glass to make a toast. To Summer.. long days at Chipotle, Hot afternoons at the Y.M.C.A. & Hopefully many fun nights with friends and family.
Sunshine Girl in Red.